Lily Lau Eagle Claw School Opening - 1995 Concord, CA

Ribbon cutting ceremony for Eagle Claw school in Concord, California |

Grandmaster Lau's first Eagle Claw School Grandopening in Concord, CA. Over 300 masters and kung fu schools come to celebrate. |

Eagle Claw School Grandopening in Concord, CA. |

Younger brother James Lau in her Concord school |

Concord, California School |

Opening Lion Dance Ceremony |

Master Hing Tse and Master Bill Lee Christening the Lion |

Grandmaster Chung Lighting the Incense - He was the student of Late Great Grandmaster Lau Fat Mang |

Lily Lau kowtowing - Showing respect to father |

Master Y.C. Wong, Grandmaster Lily Lau, and Kwan Tak Hing |

Master Tai Yim |

Left to right, Ng Gong Woo, Ken Chung, Grandmaster Lily Lau, Ding Sur Gong, Kwan Tak Hing, Li Hung |