Lily Lau Eagle Claw Kung Fu Federation, International

Chin Na

Interest in the 108 Chin Na Techniques Form has grown dramatically in Western Martial Arts. Shaolin Eagle Claw Chin Na is a series of self - defense movements consisting of joint locks and pressure point attacks. Chin means to catch, Na means to hold and control. The 108 Chin Na Techniques form is one of the most unique training methods of Shaolin Eagle Claw. Much of the appeal of Chin Na lies in using your adversary's strength against them. Intelligence wins over brute strength. Consequently, a good Chin Na demonstration is fascinating. With a seemingly effortless grab and twist, a smaller defender can bring the largest opponent to their knees.

Eagle Claw is famous for its Chin Na. Among the many special methods of Eagle Claw training is this unique two-person Chin Na sparring form. For every attack there is a counter attack, and for every counter attack, there is another counterattack. Attack, and counterattack become the same, like a circle without a beginning or end. Using this principle, the Eagle Claw sparring form connects 108 Chin Na techniques into an intricate dialogue of joint-splitting combat.

This sparring set focuses on Chin Na applications and their counters. When practicing this set, it is important to understand that counter methods must occur before the Chin Na lock is completely set or they are useless.

Sparring partners should focus upon sensitivity training and understanding the transitions. Also note that the standard points of acupunctures are used as pressure points. Usually, to break the opponent's grip, pressure is applied to the point on the hand, most often the hegu point between the thumb and forefinger.

In an effort to honor the legacy of her father, Grandmaster Lau Fat Mang, and preserve the knowledge of Shaolin Eagle Claw, Sifu Lily Lau is now revealing the 108 Chin Na techniques of her system.

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18 Character Poem of Eagle Claw Chin Na

鷹 爪 擒 拿 18 要 訣

Eagle Claw System has an 18-character poem that is the key to understanding this method. Students must memorize this poem and endeavor to understand each word deeply. This poem unlocks the fundamental principles behind Chin Na. Once you fully understand these characters, you may apply them at any time to your practice.

What is Chin Na?

Eagle Claw

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    Dian 點 - Spot, Dot, Speck
    To precisely strike to the pressure points or accupoints.
  2. Na 拿 - Hold, Take
    To seize the joints, tendons and points.
  3. Suo 鎖 - Lock
    To lock the throat, joints, and legs.
  4. Kou 扣 - Detain
    To hook the leg or the elbow.
  5. Ban 搬 - Take away, Move, Remove
    To move the opponent.
  6. Chan 纏 - Twine, Wind
    To wrap like a vine, attacking the wrist or ankles.
  7. Qie 切 - Cutting
    To strike with a sawing or slicing action, like drawing a cut.
  8. Ya 壓 - Press, Push down, Hold Down
    To press the elbow and legs.
  9. Sui摔 - Throwing
    To throw your opponent. (the Sui from shuai chiao)
  10. Chin 擒 - Catch
    To catch the head, arms or legs
  11. Zhua 抓 - Grab, Seize, Clutch
    To attack with claw.
  12. Ba 拔 - Pull out, Pull up
    To pull the limbs.
  13. Ning 擰 - Twist, Wring
    To pinch the arms or wrists.
  14. Feng 封 - Seal, Block
    To block the throat or legs
  15. Bi 閉 - Shut, Close
    To stop breathing, shut down the throat
  16. Die 跌 - Fall, Tumble
    To make your opponent fall. Different from Sui, because the opponent falls straight down instead of being thrown.
  17. Lan 攔 - Stop from coming in
    To ward off.
  18. Diao 刁 - Tricky, Artful, Sly
    To be able to reverse a grab. This technique is changeable, not just fixed, depending on how your opponent comes. Uses Na and Kou.



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